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Here are all the details you may have missed in the season premiere of The Legend of Vox Machina.

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With the premiere of season three of "The Legend of Vox Machina" (now streaming episodes 1-3 on Prime Video), they were already full of so many references to future campaigns, nods to moments mentioned in interviews outside of game, and even some things bleeding in from the table itself. Here are some of the things you may have missed:

(spoilers ahead!)

  1. Scanlan drinking from Sam's tankard

At the table, Sam Riegel has a history of finding and creating unique drinking vessels to use as a prop for memes, stickers and references during the show. Campaign One saw the first vessel, a tankard bigger than Riegel's head. Throughout the campaign, the bottom of the tankard became covered with stickers and drawings that referenced the events of the campaign and beyond. It became a phenomenon with fans and players and soon became an ongoing bit for years to come. Sam confirmed that Scanlan's tankard was a reference to his shenanigans at the table in a reply to @scythlyven on X, found here!

  1. Chetney Pock O'Pea's creations, Ira's head, and the Taste of Tal'Dorei

Chetney Pock O'Pea, Travis' character in Campaign Three, is known for his woodcarving. In episode two, one of his creations can be found on the table within the shop. Behind Grog in that same shop, Ira's head from Campaign Three can be seen, as well as a drink labeled "A Taste of Tal'Dorei," a reference to a themed restaurant that can be found in the city of Bassuras in Campaign Three.

  1. Pikes unrequited crush

After the first campaign ended during the Campaign Wrap Up, Ashley Johnson reflected on her character Pike having a secret crush on Taliesin Jaffe's character Percy. She ultimately did not act on it as Jaffe and Laura Bailey's characters began dating shortly after she realized. In episode three during a short conversation with Scanlan, Pike reflects on having a crush but not receiving that love back from the person, referencing this in-game secret.

  1. Zerxus. Freaking. Ilerez.

Art by @emimillerart on X!

In 2022, Critical Role released a prequel mini-campaign set in the Age of Arcanum that ultimately ended with the beginning of the Calamity. Zerxus Ilerez (played by Luis Carazo) believed he could atone Asmodeus and release him from being a Betrayer God, only for Asmodeus to trick him and turn Zerxus into his champion.

In episode three, J'mon (voiced by Mara Junot) mentioned that the Plate of Dawnmartyr they were searching for is being held by a demon known as Zerxus Ilerez. As the resident EXU: Calamity superfan, I screamed at the top of my lungs!

  1. "Objection!"

After Percy takes the fall for a murder he did not commit to allow Vox Machina to walk away unshackled, Scanlan returns to clear Percy's name and save his life. He enters J'mon's chamber by exclaiming "Objection!" This is a small nod to Riegel's credits of playing Phoenix Wright in the Ace Attorney video games.

  1. Percy's Inventions

In the closing chapter of Campaign One, Percy said "I think I was going to be a clockmaker once." He often reflects how different things could have been, had he not become an inventor of weapons.

While working on a project in Whitestone, you can see a unique clock in front of Percy, referencing this quote.

  1. The Ruby of the Sea

In Campaign Two, Jester Lavorre (played by Laura Bailey) grew up with her mother in Nicodranas. Her mother is a prominent courtesan of the Menagerie Coast, and is often referred to by her stage name "The Ruby of the Sea." In the tavern in episode two, the bard and his band sing a song about The Ruby of the Sea. The bard is voiced and modeled after Matthew Mercer!

The full song can be found in the end credits of the episode.

  1. Acting runs in the family!

One of the children in episode two in the marketplace is voiced by none other than Ronin Willingham, Travis and Laura's son! Having his first acting credit being on his parents animated show that they wrote? Priceless!

  1. Its high noon

One of the guards in episode one exclaims "It's high noon!" A nice nod to Mercer and his role as Cassidy in the popular game Overwatch!

  1. Mister Plush!

There is a plush of Fearne Calloway's beloved pet Little Mister from Campaign Three in the shop in episode three! You can also see Chetney's woodwork once again.

  1. All of the Matt Mercer's

A trend that began in season one as a nod to his role as the dungeon master, there is a Matt Mercer cameo in each episode. He either voices a background character or is seen visually.

Episode one: the spice merchant trying to sell Scanlan spice, otherwise known as Spice Matt. "You spice?"

Episode two: the lead singer of the group singing in the tavern, otherwise known as Dr. Dranzel of Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Troupe.

Episode three: the head of a dying body at the entrance of the Nine Hells. Gross!

Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments or let me know on X here!


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